This work has been identified, with reasonable enquiry, as being in the public domain in the United Kingdom.
This is because its term of copyright has expired. In the United Kingdom works fall into the public domain 70 years from the death of the author. If the author is unknown it falls into the public domain 70 years after it was created. This work is also in the public domain in countries where the copyright term is the author's life plus 70 years or less. 70 years ago = 1955
Comparison table between public domain in the UK and US (hover over)
Criteria | PD in United Kingdom if | PD in United States as of 1st January 1996 if |
Work was published by the British Government or a crown agency (see {{PD-UKGov}}) |
Created prior to 1975 | Created prior to 1946 but the URAA may be inapplicable to some post 1946 worksnote |
A work by an identifiable author | Published by an author who died prior to 1955 | Published by an author who died prior to 1926 |
Published work by unknown author that cannot be determined by reasonable research. | Published prior to 1955 | Published prior to 1926 |
Unpublished work where neither the author or original publication can be determined by reasonable research. | Created prior to 1955 | Created prior to 1926 |