documentation subpage for Template:Statsbar.
This is a
In most cases it contains usage information, example, categories and other content that is not part of the original template page.
Template:Statsbar loads from Module:Statsbar and the styles from Module:Statsbar/styles.css.
No other details have been specified.
This template is used on the Main Page and anywhere statstics could be used. On the main page it is used to show quick stats for the number pages (articles), files (images), and edits. Combined with Mediawiki magicwords, data will remain up to date after edit changes.
This template requires "label" and "data" parameters to be numbered in order: label1, data1, label2, data2 etc. The statsbar used on the main page uses the following information:
{{Statsbar |label1 = Articles |data1 = {{NUMBEROFARTICLES}} |label2 = Images |data2 = {{NUMBEROFFILES}} |label3 = Edits |data3 = {{NUMBEROFEDITS}} }}