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Template:Contact us header

Template page
Have something to ask? Or some information that will help?

If you would like to reach out to us then this is the place to do it. Simply start a new topic with your question or reason for contacting us, and Borderman will endeavour to reply as soon as possible. You can use this page to contact the administrator in the event of:

  • Becoming a contributor
  • Uploading your own photos
  • Discovering incorrect use of licences for uploaded images
  • Copyright infringement of any materials
  • Discovering incorrect information and / or spelling errors that require updating
  • General enquiries about this project

Please ensure your message is succinct and polite. Thanks.

Template documentation

This header template serves one purpose only and that it to inform the reader that they are on the "contact us" page where they can leave a message. That's about it. There are no parameters, only the InputBox to add a topic.

The above documentation is transcluded from Template:Contact us header/doc.
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