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Included here is a listing of the terms and abbreviations that have been used throughout the site when researching place names. This listing will expand as further names are researched. One key source that has proven invaluable is that of A Dictionary of Lake District Place-Names by Diana Whaley (2006). Additional source material will be included below as and when they have been used.
Etymological abbreviations | |
* | Used to distinguish a linguistic form that has been deduced instead of known from direct evidence |
Brit. | British language ― early phase of Brittonic |
OE | Old English language ― used until c.1100 CE |
ON | Old Norse language ― early Norwegian and Icelandic |
- Whaley, Diana (2006). A Dictionary of Lake District Place-Names. English Place-Name Society. School of English Studies, University of Nottingham. ISBN 0904889726.